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Journal - Current Issue

Volume 10, No. 2, December 2024
Table of Contents
The Teaching of Anthropology: Facing the Challenges, a tribute to Vinay Kumar Srivastava
Subhadra Mitra Channa
Abstract The teaching of anthropology has always been a challenging job, especially before the digital age, when most information was not available at the click of a button. Anthropology is a complex discipline and since it deals directly with humans, it is also uncomfortably close to our own lives and many critical moral and political issues often confront the researcher as well as the teacher. A second task before teachers is the conduct of fieldwork, which involves a multitude of skills apart from just academic ones. To be a successful anthropology teacher, one needs to be pedagogic but in addition be also an adventurer, an administrator and a psychologist as well. A successful teacher often has to take on separate mantles, in and out of the classroom, in the field and in the examination center. In this paper I will take on the issues of challenges of teaching a holistic discipline and one that takes you to the world of real life out of the ivory tower of academic institutions, and one that stimulates you to be a social person actively involved in the lives of those around you. VinaySrivastava was one example of such a teacher but such characters should ideally be imbibed in most others who teach anthropology.
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Mrinal Kanti Gangopadhyay
Abstract According to the Indian tradition, the ends of human life (purusartha) are divided into four classes, namely, Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksa. The objectives of each are different from one another. The authors of the Dharmasastra or the Law-givers concerned themselves with the maintenance of an ideal social order, while the philosophers are supposed to be the custodians of logic and free thinking. However, evidences show that the law-givers try to influence the philosophers on some basic issues. In this context, we get valuable Information from the Astika-Nastika classification of the Indian philosophies and Sankara’s Interpretations of at least one legend in the Chandogya Upanisad.
Keywords Philosophers, Law-givers, Purusartha
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Forest, Religious Practice and Festival: A Study among the Hos of Jharkhand, India
Sovan Chakraborty
Abstract The indigenous communities of India intricately weave their religious beliefs with the natural environment, perceiving the forest as a divine entity. Living in close proximity to the forests is essential for the survival of the majority of indigenous peoples, shaping their way of life, economic activities, socio-cultural systems, and religious practices. The Ho people view the forest not merely as a resource but as a deity, embodying a spiritual essence deeply embedded in their way of life. The study aims at comprehensively exploring the symbiotic relationship between the Ho community of West Singhbhum district in Jharkhand, India and their forest environment, specifically investigating the intertwining dynamics of religious beliefs, socio-cultural systems, and ecological practices. Through ethnographic methods, interviews, and participant observation, the objective is to provide nuanced insights into how the forest shapes the spiritual identity, rituals, and festivals of the Ho people, contributing to a deeper understanding of their unique human-environment interactions. The forest, regarded as a sacred entity, plays a pivotal role in sustaining the livelihoods of the Hos. From sourcing food to constructing homes, crafting tools, gathering firewood, and obtaining various essentials; the forest is an integral part of their daily existence. Additionally, their spiritual connection extends to perceiving ancestral spirits within the forest's landscapes and other natural elements, including bushes, hills, trees, animals, birds, and sacred groves. All of which are subjects of reverence and worship. The Ho people's festivals, intricately linked to nature, underscore their Eco-centric worldview. Examining their socio-cultural system reveals a commitment to environmental conservation through totemic clans and taboos, showcasing indigenous awareness and sustainable practices.
Keywords Forest Ecology, Tribal Religion, Symbiotic Relationship, Sacred Grove, Festivals, Indigenous Knowledge
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Embodying Indian ‘Epic’ Masculinities: Interpretations of Masculine Images in Hatim
Mehul Agarwal and Pranta Pratik Patnaik
Abstract Multiple interpretations of Indian masculinities have transcended into popular culture, of which ones in television shows have received the least scholarly attention. This paper explores the Indianized rendition of the Arabic fairy-tale Hatim Tai from the television show Hatim to locate the embodiment of masculinities that reflect notions from Indian epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The show’s narrative embodies the constructive functions introduced by Vladimir Propp as intrinsic to fairy tales. The research divulges an episodic reading of the protagonist, Hatim’s masculine identity, positioned against that of Dajjal, the antagonist, read against masculine images from the Indian epics. The study involves an interpretative analysis of the male characters’ apparent and insinuated characteristics, physical appearances, and agency in the fairy-tale narrative, exploring how twenty-first-century fairy-tale media renditions reaffirm notions of masculinity dawning down since ages. The paper discusses how Indian ‘Epic’ masculinities percolate into popular culture through television shows.
Keywords Fairy Tales, Gender, Masculinities, Mythology, Fictional Television
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From Water to Rights: The Malo Fisher Folk's Political Journey in Bengal
Paramita Bhattacharya
Abstract Historical inquiries into twentieth-century South Asia have often focused on the shift from caste-based awareness to political consciousness. Yet, scant attention has been given to the caste and political consciousness of the Malo community in this region. A thorough examination would reveal that the Malos sought to challenge traditional perceptions of their caste identity to shape their narrative. Over time, this endeavor evolved into a political awareness, particularly gaining momentum in the second quarter of the twentieth century. The Malo community actively engaged in the electoral processes of late colonial Bengal, espousing both nationalist and class-oriented perspectives. This article aims to provide a balanced analysis, situating the caste assertion of Bengal's Malo community within its historical context.
Keywords Communal Consciousness, Caste Avowal, Malos, Scheduled Castes, Caste Politics
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Imagining the Nepali Jāti: A Study of Darjeeling’s Printed Narratives
Nima Doma Lama
Abstract This paper explores the role of periodicals in shaping the cultural and socio-political narratives ofthe Indian Nepali community, focusing on publications that emerged in the Darjeeling regionfrom the early to mid-twentieth century. It investigates how print culture facilitated the creation of a public sphere, enabling the Indian Nepali community to imagine itself as a cohesive entitydespite its diverse ethnic and linguistic roots. By examining the significance of Darjeeling as adynamic contact zone and the backdrop for movements like the Gorkhaland movement (1980)and the linguistic movement (1992), the study highlights the region’s pivotal role in fosteringcultural exchange and discourse. It delves into the transformation of a society rooted in oraltraditions to one unified through print literacy in a shared language, emphasizing the periodicals’impact on the evolving Nepali identity. The paper also addresses the nuances of readership andthe engagement of these periodicals with modernity, offering insights into how they shaped thesocio-cultural fabric and nationalism of Nepali society in India and beyond.
Keywords: print culture, public sphere, periodicals, Indian Nepali nationalism, imagined community, contact zone
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Sudipta Adhikary
Abstract During the middle to late nineteenth century, women's journalism emerged in multiple Indian languages. Women's journalism opposed patriarchal notions of society and bolstered women's efforts for social, political, and educational advancements. The field of journalism had a profound and transformative effect on the lives of women. Urdu-speaking women from the Muslim middle class utilised this platform to articulate their thoughts and exchange perspectives with individuals from many societies, including both men and women. The current study examines the role of Urdu women's journalism in promoting intellectual involvement and social reform among Muslim women in early 20th-century in North India. This style of journalism served as a platform for advancing their demands for gender equality and justice.
Keywords: Journalism, Social Reform, Parda, Burqa, Education, Widow remarriage, Women's Rights, Northern India, Urdu, Muslim Culture
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Anindya Saha and Amitava Ghosh
Abstract The use of virtual training has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it provides a cost-effective and flexible alternative to traditional classroom training. In the information technology (IT) sector, where employees need to continuously upgrade their skills to keep up with rapidly changing technologies, virtual training offers a practical solution to meet the training needs of employees. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of virtual training for information technology (IT) sector employees. The respondents of this study were IT sector employees who have undergone virtual training.Datahas been gathered from 200 employees of IT companies in Kolkata. In the present research, the researcher utilized the method of Pearson correlation, employing simple analysis to examine the different variables across all pairs of data series. The study found that IT sector employees generally have positive attitudes and perceptions towards virtual training. The study also found that effectiveness of virtual trainings has positive impact on improvement of communication, providing high speed information, encourage team efforts, progress in the career and professional enrichment.
Keywords: Virtual training, IT sector, Correlation, Communication, High speed information, Career and Professional enrichment
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Impact of Different Parenting Style in Student Performance
Krishnendu Roy
Abstract: The impact of different parenting styles on student's performance is a crucial research topic. Purpose of this study understands of how different parenting styles affect performance of the student. Three parenting styles and their impact on academic achievement are the focus of the research. Qualitative method with secondary data was used in the study. The results of this study show how important it is for parents to be involved in their children's schoolwork. The study's goals and hypothesis are apparent, which shows how important the study is for changing how parents raise their children and how schools run. A qualitative research method was used in the study. The results and analysis show how different parenting styles affect the performance of students in the school. After looking at the data, the study came to some conclusions that emphasizes that how important it is to be a strict parent. It stresses how important it is for parents to use good parenting skills that help their kids to do well in school. The importance of the study makes its contribution on parenting styles and student performance. The study's results show how parent-child relationships change over time and how that changes impact on the performance of the students in school. Different parenting styles are looked at in terms of how they affect kids. The study can help parents and school officials make decisions.
Keywords: Parenting styles, Student performance, Academic achievement, Authoritative parenting, Authoritarian parenting and Permissive parenting
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Exploring Challenges and Opportunities in Rural Tourism within Manas National Park
Gaurav Das and L.S. Sharma
Abstract: National parks play a significant role in promoting rural tourism and have become increasingly important for the economic development of rural areas. Rural tourism is a growing sector that offers unique experiences and opportunities for travelers seeking to explore natural landscapes, experience local cultures, and engage in outdoor activities. Tourism-related economic activities; such as,home stays, ethnic restaurants, tour operators, and curio shops; thrive in proximity to national parks. Manas National Park is an important destination that accommodates many tourists from India and foreign countries that still lack rural tourism. The study aims to explore the potential tourism opportunities in Manas National Park and to identify the various challenges associated with rural tourism in the park, along with proposing appropriate recommendations. The study employed a qualitative methodology by conducting fieldwork in Manas National Park and collecting primary data through questionnaires and interviews. The study finds that although young people are involved in economic activities, yet regional imbalances, policy deficiencies, and insufficient government efforts hinder locals from fully accessing these opportunities in order to boost local socioeconomic growth.
Keywords: Rural Tourism, Wild Life, Economic, National Park, Livelihood
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The Journey of Rhythms: Copyright Protection and Cultural Significance of Limbu Ethnic Music
Purbita Das
Abstract: Recently, the major focus of Ethnomusicological research is on the study of the relationship among most of the world's cultures through music. Since Ethnomusicology follows the methodology to study the kinds of music with a socio-cultural perspective, therefore it will be more appropriate to describe Ethnomusicology as a study of Intercultural Musicology than cultural musicology. The Eastern Himalayan region is home to multiple ethnic groups and cultures. The socio-cultural study of these groups through Intercultural Musicology methodology will help in understanding some ethnic groups of this region. Limbu ethnic people are an important group residing in the hilly regions of Eastern Nepal, Sikkim, Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Bhutan, and other parts of North East India and the sociocultural study of this group in identifying their ethnic identity through Intercultural Musicology will be an interesting exploration.
Keywords: Culture, Music, Methodology, Limbu, Ethnic
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Bengali Cinema and the Body Politics of Representation: Locating Agency in AparnaSen's Films Parama and Paromitar Ekdin
Sk Abbas Uddin
Abstract: This paper examines two of AparnaSen`s films Parama ((The Ultimate Women) and ParomitarEkdin (House of Memories) and locates the leading women characters of these films as reflections of the gradual progression of the feminist movements in India. Through a narrative analysis of the two films, focusing on the visual aesthetics and character development of the female protagonists, the paper investigates how AparnaSen challenges conventional societal norms and offers alternative representations of women's agency. The paper highlights the significance of body politics in shaping the portrayal of female characters and their struggles for self-identity, autonomy, and empowerment. Drawing upon feminist film theory and cultural studies, this paper critically analyzes the portrayal of women in these films and the strategies employed by the director to subvert patriarchal constructs of femininity. This research also considers the social and historical context in which the films were made, providing insights into the changing landscape of women's rights and gender dynamics in Bengali society.
Keywords: Agency, AparnaSen, Bengali Cinema, Body Politics, Representation
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Act East Policy and Northeast India: Initiatives and Challenges
Debotosh Chakraborty & Ms. Sarada Jyoti Singha
Abstract: The Act East Policy (AEP) is considered as an important milestone in Indian foreign policy focusing more and more attention in the Northeastern part of the land. The policy is target oriented and it tries to push Northeast into the forefront by establishing ties with the Southeast Asian nations as well as South Asia. However, the policy comes across a number of challenges in order to realize the objectives for which it has been initiated. Keeping this in view the present paper tries to explore the major initiatives adopted under the LEP/AEP and the challenges that are being encountered while implementing the various programmes under the AEP in the Northeastern part of India. It is seen that many important projects have been initiated covering the states of Manipur, Mizoram and Assam but due to internal problems which persists in the respective states that projects are still pending for the last several years. It deserves mention that mere announcement of various packages and projects are not enough to promote the region rather the confidence of the local populace is required to be achieved in realizing the goal.
Keywords: Act East, ASEAN, BIMSTEC, East Asia, Look East, Northeast, Populac
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Activity Based Learning across the Globe after the Industrial Revolution
Somnath Hazra
“I hear I forget
I see I remember
I do I understand”- Confucius
Abstract: Activity based learning is one of the most fruitful methodologies among children. It is wide and diversified in nature. The method has a root in the period of Socrates and Humbolt. It was shaped and popularized in the hands of so many philosophers throughout the world like Froebel, Dewey, Montessori, Gandhiji and Rabindranath Tagore after industrial revolution. Psychological basis of the activity based learning depends on the constructivism and social constructiveness. Meaningful engagement of the students in learning through activity is one of the major direction of Activity based Learning. Activity Based Learning allows different types of activities in different subjects as the nature and types of learning differ according to subjects. It is diversified in nature. There are different types of comparisons among philosophers in respect to age division, design of activity and outcome of activity. In this paper regional comparison is made of different philosophers.Their ascent, descent together with relevance of recommended pedagogy till recent times is discussed.
Keywords: Activity Based Learning, Pluralistic, Constructivism, Types of Activity, Pedagogy
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Assessing the Impacts of India’s Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) on Refugee Protection: A Post-2019 Analysis
Kaushik Banerjee, Sudipta Adhikary & Paramita Bhattacharyya
Abstract: The Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019, being the most contentious recent piece of legislation, sparked an unprecedented protest and controversy across the whole country. This short piece of legislation granted a fast-track mode of citizenship to six religious’ groups in three neighbouring countries. The sceptic asserts that though apparently beneficial, this Act is fitted with discrimination, and deprivation and equipped with the ulterior motive of the present ruling government. The scepticism stems mostly from the exclusion of one religious’ group from its legislative domain and it calls into question its cherry-picking method of selecting three neighbouring countries. Critics assert that this legislative amendment will surely fail to pass the test of the doctrine of' intelligible differentia' and hence it is unconstitutional on the grounds of violative of Article 14 of the Indian Constitution. To what extent, this contention holds water appears to be the thrust of this paper. A section of refugee law scholars also depicts this piece of legislation as 'quasi refugee law' in the Indian setting. To what extent, it serves the interests of refugees seems to be the special focus of this paper.
Keywords: Citizenship, Refoulement, Refugee, Intelligible-differentia, Persecution, Article 14 of the Indian Constitution, The Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019
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Maritime Surveillance, Law and Order and the Indian Coast Guard: Analysing the Role of the Indian Coast Guards and Community Interest Associated
Rebant Juyal
Abstract: Maritime trade and commerce have gained importance in today’s context of globalisation, resulting in bringing the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) to highlight. India, a nation with a vast coastline, automatically attracts a mega responsibility to protect and ensure due surveillance in its EEZ. Maritime surveillance remains an integral component in the India’s security architecture. The Indian Coast Guard (ICG), the multi-dimensional maritime force responsible for securing India’s maritime interests, including safeguarding coastal communities, plays a vital role in maintaining the safety of India’s vast maritime domain and the socioeconomic interests of the coastal community there. This research article attempts to analyse the issues concerning the surveillance of the exclusive economic zone in India and the impact of surveillance on the coastal community in India. It further explores the socio-legal perspectives of the ICG’s role in protecting the livelihoods and cultural interests of coastal communities in India.
Keywords: Maritime Surveillance, Law and Order, Indian Coast Guard, Coastal Community, Exclusive Economic Zone, Maritime Trade and Commerce, Security of State
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Women’s participation in the freedom movement of India: a case study of North Bengal
Ratna Paul
Abstract: Women’s participation in India's freedom movement extended to agitation politics and was successfully structured through policy decisions at different phases, at least at the higher levels of the action. This study aims to highlight the participation of women of North Bengal in the various phases of the national movement of India, much of which was largely outside the structured construction. Economic and social conditions dominantly dictated the methods and means adopted by the North Bengal women towards their participation in the freedom struggle. They were generally victims of suppression and deprivation under the construct of the prevalent gender inequality and social exploitation. Yet, the changing political scenario in the country encouraged them, so long solely confined to domestic activities, to come out and participate in the nationalist struggle. Their participation in the Indian freedom struggle became a broadly overlooked chronicle, despite being a noteworthy segment of the Indian freedom movement. They were active beginning from, as early as the Swadeshi movement to the Quit India crusade. It is surprising and equally interesting that in North Bengal despite women’s education being far from satisfactory and aristocracy that wielded authority and financial fluidity as a rare commodity, the women of the lower rungs of the society took an active part in the movement in large numbers. How these impoverished, totally rural-based women found the will, stamina, and inspiration to keep the flames of the independence movement burning is significant enough for a recall, re-write, and a re-read.
Keywords: Women, North Bengal, Swadeshi, Non-Cooperation, Civil Disobedience, Quit India Movement, MahilaSamiti
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নদীয়া জেলার মুসলিমদের উন্নয়ন- একটি রাজনৈতিক সমীক্ষা
রবিউল ইসলাম সেখ
সারাংশঃ পৃথিবীতে মানুষ বিভিন্ন ধর্মকে মেনে চলে। বিশ্বে খ্রিস্টান সব থেকে বেশী এবং দ্বিতীয় স্থানে মুসলিম ধর্মলম্বী মানুষ রয়েছে। তবে ভারতে খ্রিস্টান অপেক্ষা মুসলিমের সংখ্যা অনেক বেশী। ভারতের মুসলিমরা আদি মানুষ নয় বরং সপ্তম শতকে আরব থেকে ভারতে বাণিজ্যের উদ্দেশ্যে এসে সারা ভারতে মুসলমানের বিস্তার ঘটায়। বর্তমান ভারতে বিভিন্ন ধর্মীয় জনগোষ্ঠীর মধ্যে সর্ব বৃহৎ সংখ্যালঘু হল ইসলাম ধর্মলম্বী মানুষেরা। ভারতে কেন্দ্র ও রাজ্যের যে অংশে মুসলমান বেশী বসবাস করে তার মধ্যে অন্যতম একটি রাজ্য হল পশ্চিমবঙ্গ। নদীয়া হল পশ্চিমবঙ্গের এমন একটি জেলা যেখানে ২০১১ সালের জনগণনা অনুসারে মোট জনসংখ্যার ২৬. ৭৬% মানুষ মুসলিম বসবাস করে। স্বাধীনতার পর থেকে নদীয়ার মুসলিমদের কি অবস্থা বা কতটা উন্নয়ন হয়েছে টা দেখার জন্য উন্নয়নের যে বিভিন্ন মাত্রা রয়েছে তার বিশ্লেষণ প্রয়োজন। উন্নয়নের মাত্রাগুলি মূলত আর্থ-সামাজিক, শিক্ষা ও রাজনৈতিক বিষয়ের সাথে গভীর ভাবে জড়িত। প্রবন্ধটিতে নদীয়া জেলার মুসলিম সম্প্রদায়ের উন্নয়নে রাজনীতি কতটা মুখ্য ভূমিকা নিয়েছে টা দেখা হয়েছে। গবেষকের সমীক্ষাকৃত জেলার নির্দিষ্ট ব্লকের মুসলিম জনগোষ্ঠীর থেকে প্রাপ্ত তথ্য, বিভিন্ন সরকারী-বেসরকারি রিপোর্ট, গ্রন্থ, প্রবন্ধ পর্যালোচনার পর মুসলিম সাধারণ জনগণের উন্নয়ন কতটা হয়েছে তা বিশ্লেষণের মাধ্যমে বোঝা সম্ভব। আর একটি বিষয় হল এখানকার মুসলিমরা কোন বিষয়গুলিতে পিছিয়ে আছে সেগুলি পরিষ্কার হয়ে উঠবে। ১৯৫৫ সালে কেলকার কমিটি, ১৯৮০ সালে মণ্ডল কমিশন ও গোপাল সিং কমিটি এবং ২০০৬ সালের সার্চার কমিটি মুসলিমদের আর্থ-সামাজিক, শিক্ষা ক্ষেত্রে পিছিয়ে পড়ার এবং উন্নয়নের জন্য কিছু সুপারিশ করেন। উত্তর-সার্চার কমিটির রিপোর্টে সার্চার কমিটির সুপারিশগুলি কতটা বাস্তবায়িত হয়েছে এবং কেন্দ্র-রাজ্য সরকারের যে বেশ কিছু পরিকল্পনা নেওয়া হয় মুসলিম উন্নয়নে, তা কতটা ফলপ্রসু হয়েছে, তা দেখা হয়।
শব্দসূচক – নদীয়া, রাজনৈতিক উন্নয়ন, রাজনৈতিক অংশগ্রহণ, খ্রিষ্টান, মুসলিম, ওয়াকফ সম্পত্তি, কেলকার কমিটি, মণ্ডল কমিশন, সার্চার কমিটি।
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