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Kolkata Society for Asian Studies welcomes you to visit the stall No. 148 (Near Gate No. 2) of 48th International Kolkata Book Fair. All the publications will be available on a 20% discount at Coffee Houser Carpashe. Click here for the Brochure | Spoken English online course will start from 14th January 2025. The applications should be submitted within 12th of January 2025. Click Here to Register, Click to download Brochure | Registrations are invited to join the Pali language, the course will start from February 2025. Click Here to Register, Click to see details. | Indian Relations with Sri Lanka and Maldives: A Collection of Research Articles second edition has been released. Please CLICK HERE for details.
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Digital copies of the Current Issue and Several Past Issues of the Journal of Kolkata Society for Asian Studies are now available for purchase and download in PDF format for individual subscribers and interested parties.

Please click Here to view details and purchase/download.
Dear Authors,

This is to inform, you, that the Journal of Kolkata Society for Asian Studies accepts newly published book for its Review section.

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Back cover: Rs. 8000/- (Full page, Coloured)
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Rs. 5000/- ( Half page, coloured)
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Rs. 4500/- (Half Page, coloured)
Rs. 4000/- (Full page, Black and White)
Rs. 3000/- (Half Page, Black and White)

Interested parties can send the detailed matter with an application to The Secretary, Kolkata Society for Asian Studies, by email:

ksasianstudies@gmail.com Or whatsApp to 9436490361

Journal of Kolkata Society for Asian Studies is a peer reviewed, half-yearly (June and December), bi-lingual (English and Bangla) journal of social science. It is an International Journal dedicated to the development of all branches of Social Sciences with special reference to Asian Studies. It has been recognized as an authoritative and prestigious publication in the field of Asian Studies.

In this Journal besides independent papers many papers have been published which are read in the national or international seminars or conferences organized by the Kolkata Society for Asian Studies. The Journal publishes the outstanding contributions of the scholars through double blind peer review process. The target group of the Journal is mainly the scholars and think tank makers of South and South East Asia. In near future the Journal will surly cover the researchers’ output on Central and Western Asia also.

Current Issue

ISSN 2454-5694

Volume 10, No 2, December 2024

Professor Ranjana Ray
Dr. Sarmistha De Basu
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